New Building ($5M-$10M)

2345 Eastlake Building
Location: 2345 Eastlake Ave. E., Seattle
Owner/Developer: Hughes Northwest
General contractor: DPR Construction
Design professional: Callison Architecture
Engineer: Skilling, Ward, Magnusson, Barkshire

The 2345 Eastlake Building was shoehorned into a tight site.

The steel-framed, three-story, 35,500-square-foot mixed-use retail/office building is situated in a tight residential/commercial neighborhood with power lines overhead, a busy arterial to the east and residential neighborhood to the west.

One challenge was erecting a tower crane with no space on the actual jobsite — the crane had to be unfolded mid-air above the power lines and assembled piece by piece.

DPR provided preconstruction services that reduced project costs while increasing project value through the use of castellated beams as an innovative construction technique to solve both budget and design issues.

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