Tenant improvement/remodel under $5 million

Navos Inpatient Services

Location: Seattle
General contractor: J.R. Abbott Construction
Owner/developer: Navos Mental Health Solutions
Architect: Jensen Fey Architecture & Planning
Engineer: Seattle Structural
Contract amount: $1.6 million

Photo courtesy of J.R. Abbott Construction
The head nurse at the Navos mental health inpatient center could push a stop-work button when construction activities became disruptive.

An occupied remodel always has some level of impact on the operations taking place in the building. But when those operations involve caring for and housing mentally ill patients, the challenges are even greater.

With this project, the J.R. Abbott team worked safely and efficiently within an occupied mental health inpatient center.

Durable and secure temporary construction walls were used, and tradesmen paired with a buddy who would monitor tools and intercept curious patients. To minimize the hauling of tools and materials through common areas, the crew removed a section of exterior windows and erected a stair tower to provide access to construction zones.

The Abbott crew worked closely with the hospital staff and conducted loud or intrusive work at times and in ways that kept the crews productive without significantly impacting the care of the patients. If construction activities were adversely affecting staff, the head nurse could push a stop-work button and notify the entire crew to stop work immediately so other options could be arranged.

Navos presented Abbott and the project team with Mental Health Leadership Awards and has since contracted with Abbott for additional projects.

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