
Since it was founded in 1987, Pascoe Landscape Design & Planning has expanded into mixed-use development, with a focus on above-grade rooftop gardens. The firm continues to work on private institutions with an emphasis on secondary education.

Over the last year, the 2-person firm expanded with an additional employee, and there are plans to hire another project manager and move to a new office. The current project load indicates that the firm will maintain the 50 percent gross fee expansion experienced over the last three years.

The primary challenge, said principal Scott Pascoe, is to regulate growth and expand incrementally over the next three years.

“With the potential impacts of, Microsoft and Boeing’s relocation, we want to continue to diversify geographically,” he said. “Despite some short-term indications otherwise, we believe that the region will continue to expand. Although expansion may slow, there will continue to be a demand for small-scale firms.”

Pascoe continues to specialize in large-scale, single-family estate gardens both for new construction and historic preservation, renovation and adaptive re-use. Most projects involve long-range master planning and phased implementation. Projects this year include renovation of a historic 5-acre estate garden in North Seattle and a new stone masonry amphitheater for a historic WPA/CCC log cabin at Hood Canal.

The firm also completed work on Broadway Place, a 170 unit public–private mixed use project in Eugene, Ore., and Wissner Hall at the Bush School. Pascoe initiated work on two large-scale estate gardens on Bainbridge Island and Rosedale, and renovation of an existing historic garden in Tacoma, and is currently working with Carlson Architects on a new building for University Child Development School in the University District. The firm is also at work on a 325-unit urban retirement community in Northridge, Calif. The project includes development of three above-grade interior courtyards.

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