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September 28, 2007

Strange But True!

Q. Are you Web-wise enough to know about “typosquatters”? Doubtless you've had occasion to visit their handiwork, however inadvertent.

A. Typosquatting means registering Web addresses that differ from popular sites by just single-letter errors or transpositions — ”typos” in editors' jargon, says “New Scientist” magazine. One example is http://www.goole.com, obviously designed to snare surfers misspelling http://www.google.com. The popular search engine even anticipated this blunder and tried to buy up the address but was too late, though they did get gooogle.com, gooooogle.com, and goooooooooooogle.com. “But in a veritable domain-name bunfight, typosquatters somehow got the four, nine and 20-‘o' versions. Where does it all end?”

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