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September 25, 2017

Colfax hospital can continue ghost tours

COLFAX (AP) — It looks like the tours and ghost hunts will continue at the haunted hospital in the town of Colfax.

A structural engineer from Spokane has told the city's Downtown Association that the building is structurally sound, opening the door for one more year of tours at St. Ignatius Hospital.

The Lewiston Tribune reports the tours raised more than $30,000 from 2015-16 for the Colfax Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Association. Earlier this year the city raised concerns about the safety of the building.

People taking the tours have to sign a waiver.

St. Ignatius Hospital operated from 1893 to 1968, when it became a state-licensed adult boarding facility for the developmentally disabled. It was closed in 2003 when pipes froze and burst, flooding the building.

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