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December 20, 2013

Strange But True!

Q. What's a most striking way to “get rich in your sleep”? Striking, yes, but neither easy nor practical.

A. One famous instance was when golfer Jack Nicklaus went into a long slump, having lost the graceful accuracy and timing of his swing, says New York University's David Randall in his book “Dreamland.” His career was in jeopardy. Then one night, as he recounted later, he dreamed of pounding the ball onto the fairway. When he woke up, he realized he had been holding the club slightly differently, an adjustment that let him keep his right arm steady through the swing. “It was a tweak barely perceptible to anyone else, but Nicklaus instantly recognized it was the solution to his troubles. He got out of bed, went directly to the course, gripped the club like he had in his dream, and shot a 68. His old stroke was back.”

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